Pinterest-the world of beer?


It’s no secret that I love Pinterest – in fact all the recipes I’ve featured on here so far have been sourced from Pinterest.  What can I say, I’m a visual kind of girl.  Even the layout of the site is visually exciting; one big pin-board filled with all things beautiful from the net.

The internet that is.  Not the pinternet.  I encouraged a good friend of mine, Gayle, to sign up but she came to a dead end when all she could find was a site all about ‘The world of beer on the net’.  Fast forward to some explaining on my part – ‘It’s like interest with a p, not internet with a p’ – and she’s in.  And ‘on board’ (excuse the pin, sorry, pun).

You need to register for an invite but don’t worry, turns out they’re not that picky – mine arrived in a matter of hours.  You get an inconspicuous ‘Pin it’ button for your browser and when you see something you like, you guessed it, you ’Pin it’.

Why not set up your own boards and let your imagination take over!  Follow me if you want some inspiration to get you started or just have a look at the most popular favourites.  Let me show you some of my favourites so far…
(Just click on the pic to go to my ‘pin’ and see where I nabbed ‘em from!)


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1 Comment

  1. Gayle
    15 Sep / 9:07 pm

    Indeed. Although the first website that appear when you Google “pinternet” gives you a very informative website all about pints of beer!! Pinterest is much better though – thank you Wendy! x

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