one piece – H&M
sunglasses – Marks & Spencer
bracelet – Marks & Spencer
Couldn’t wear it on the first day or my tan would’ve come out looking like a zebra. Not much danger of that though – I’m brown now. The husband is less toasted nut and more blanched almond.
Speaking of nuts, we got some caramelised almonds from the market yesterday and they rock. I’ll show you the market when we get home – it’s going to take some time to sort through the 100+ photos we took there…
I can’t believe we are flying home tomorrow but on the plus side I’ll get some Mr K cuddles. Also, today is Friday and you know what that means. Oh yes, it’s Fat Friday friends – so go to town, I intend to!
P.S. When I bought this suit the girl serving me asked if I was going somewhere nice. We didn’t have anything planned and I told her so. She said not to worry – a lot of girls had been buying them to wear with some wee shorts on a night out, you know? Erm, no.