Painting can be calming for the soul and now and again it’s nice to find a couple of hours to have a little play around with colour – of course art comes with its own frustrations (why does MrK look so darn grumpy?! Maybe because I took the expression from a blog image – a ‘MrK on the beach’ image may have resulted in something else entirely…).
Do any of you guys paint? I’d love to see.x
Such a beautiful painting! You are very talented 🙂
Away From The Blue
A little out of practice but thank you.x
I always love looking at other peoples’ artwork. You’re very talented, and I’d be honored if you took a look at my paintings as well, particular these two HERE and HERE. 🙂
How wonderful – love that you illustrate your looks!
I wish I had artistica talents, but I do not. My mom however paints as a hobby, and she’s really talented. She does a lot of replicas and I have an original creation in the entry way of my home.
I always think it’s so lovely to have a piece of art created by someone close to you
This is excellent!
Thank you!
Great painting, I used to paint in water color & acrylic whenI was in school, but not anymore, hopefully I will have time for it soon. Have a great week.
I guess the great thing about watercolour is that it is so quick and also so tidy! It’s a new medium for me but hopefully I will get the hand of it soon… not so easy to set up an oil painting session in a spare half hour
Great picture and lovely use of watercolours! I have always preferred acrylic, they are fun to use, you should give it a try sometime! If you’d like you can check some of my paintings/artwork here: Would love to know what you think 🙂
Have a great day, hope to see some more of your stuff soon!
It’s funny how different artists love different media – I hate acrylic and find it so difficult to work with! Love you Amy Winehouse.x
You are an artist! I prefer watercolors and acrylics because I’m sensitive to oils/turpentine, etc. Although just maybe they have odorless thinners now-a-days! Also, watercolors and acrylics quickly dry, while oils can take days to completely dry. At least, that’s the way it was when I enrolled in several oil painting classes in the 80’s, which I wasn’t able to complete because of my allergies. “Anyway” (after all of my complaints), you are a very creative woman.
I used to have major issues with this at art school too – so sad. It’s fine now as I only have my oils out once or twice a week for my class. You can get water based oils now though, have you tried them? They’re good but not as good as the real thing.
LOVE this! He doesn’t look grumpy, just well travelled! Been a follower for ages, love your inspiration x
thanks so much Nikky, such a lovely comment to read.x
This is so great! My mom was a painter but unfortunately that talent wasn’t passed down to me…
I think my mum would have been a wonderful painter, in fact she dreamt of being a fashion designer but was forced into languages and ended up being a teacher (which she also loved)
Hi love your blog! I came across it after my friend Georgia Wiseman posted about you. I also love that you are a fashion blogger based in Glasgow and quite near me by the looks of it (I reside in Finnieston). I’m a fashion illustrator please take a look at my work oh and I am in love with your dog he’s adorbs and a great fashion accessory!