
Thankfifi- Dabble-3

Painting can be calming for the soul and now and again it’s nice to find a couple of hours to have a little play around with colour – of course art comes with its own frustrations (why does MrK look so darn grumpy?!  Maybe because I took the expression from a blog image – a ‘MrK on the beach’ image may have resulted in something else entirely…).

Do any of you guys paint?  I’d love to see.x

Thankfifi- Dabble-1



    • Thankfifi
      22 Oct / 4:48 pm

      A little out of practice but thank you.x

  1. 22 Oct / 11:32 am

    I always love looking at other peoples’ artwork. You’re very talented, and I’d be honored if you took a look at my paintings as well, particular these two HERE and HERE. 🙂

    • Thankfifi
      22 Oct / 4:49 pm

      How wonderful – love that you illustrate your looks!

  2. Ashlee
    22 Oct / 1:21 pm

    I wish I had artistica talents, but I do not. My mom however paints as a hobby, and she’s really talented. She does a lot of replicas and I have an original creation in the entry way of my home.

    • Ashlee
      22 Oct / 1:22 pm


    • Thankfifi
      22 Oct / 4:50 pm

      I always think it’s so lovely to have a piece of art created by someone close to you

  3. Dana
    22 Oct / 2:46 pm

    This is excellent!

    • Thankfifi
      22 Oct / 4:50 pm

      Thank you!

  4. 22 Oct / 3:57 pm

    Great painting, I used to paint in water color & acrylic whenI was in school, but not anymore, hopefully I will have time for it soon. Have a great week.


    • Thankfifi
      22 Oct / 4:51 pm

      I guess the great thing about watercolour is that it is so quick and also so tidy! It’s a new medium for me but hopefully I will get the hand of it soon… not so easy to set up an oil painting session in a spare half hour

    • Thankfifi
      24 Oct / 12:27 am

      It’s funny how different artists love different media – I hate acrylic and find it so difficult to work with! Love you Amy Winehouse.x

  5. Yellow Rose
    22 Oct / 8:26 pm

    You are an artist! I prefer watercolors and acrylics because I’m sensitive to oils/turpentine, etc. Although just maybe they have odorless thinners now-a-days! Also, watercolors and acrylics quickly dry, while oils can take days to completely dry. At least, that’s the way it was when I enrolled in several oil painting classes in the 80’s, which I wasn’t able to complete because of my allergies. “Anyway” (after all of my complaints), you are a very creative woman.

    • Thankfifi
      24 Oct / 12:28 am

      I used to have major issues with this at art school too – so sad. It’s fine now as I only have my oils out once or twice a week for my class. You can get water based oils now though, have you tried them? They’re good but not as good as the real thing.

  6. 22 Oct / 10:15 pm

    LOVE this! He doesn’t look grumpy, just well travelled! Been a follower for ages, love your inspiration x

    • Thankfifi
      24 Oct / 12:29 am

      thanks so much Nikky, such a lovely comment to read.x

  7. 23 Oct / 4:53 am

    This is so great! My mom was a painter but unfortunately that talent wasn’t passed down to me…

    • Thankfifi
      24 Oct / 12:30 am

      I think my mum would have been a wonderful painter, in fact she dreamt of being a fashion designer but was forced into languages and ended up being a teacher (which she also loved)

  8. 25 Oct / 12:07 am

    Hi love your blog! I came across it after my friend Georgia Wiseman posted about you. I also love that you are a fashion blogger based in Glasgow and quite near me by the looks of it (I reside in Finnieston). I’m a fashion illustrator please take a look at my work oh and I am in love with your dog he’s adorbs and a great fashion accessory!

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