Ok, so maybe not new… but new to me and maybe new to you. And well worth an introduction.
My weekend looks like this. My closet is truly a tale of two halves – one side being ‘blogger’ (you know the stuff I wear ‘out’ to catch up with friends or go to meetings), the other side being infinitely more casual (a sea of easy to pull on layers). I do a lot of dog walking and a heap of baby wrangling and now and again I work out too so I want to get dressed in a nano second and be comfy all day. I try to be tidy, hang all my dresses and fold away my knitwear at the end of the day but I always have a neat little stack (ok, not always neat) of athleisure wear at the foot of the bed ready to pull on the minute I get up.
And right now that stack is almost all Asquith. It was not a brand I knew, although they have apparently been on the go for years, but after an introduction in winter last year it is a brand I have really grown to love. And more importantly wear, like almost every single day. So I thought I would share a few reasons why I love them…
The fabric – always natural and organic activewear which means your body can breathe but also the pieces look great for a really long time; no stretching, no fading, no bobbling.
The ethos – eco friendly, sustainable and made in a wonderful, family-run factory in sunny southern Turkey where the employees enjoy a 9-5 day, paid holiday and are very happy. I mean, ethical yoga clothes, that is just super nice to know these days.
The fit and feel – I don’t know how else to say this other than it is really, really good. No tight elastic pinching in and super soft layers – it just works. This open back tee is honestly like wearing silk. (But silk that can withstand mud and baby puke).
And you know what else? It is not crazy expensive which makes a rather lovely change. And I think if you visit the site and sign up to the newsletter then they send you a 15% off voucher too. Happy days.
batwing sweatshirt – Asquith
open back tee – Asquith
shape me vest – Asquith
flow with it leggings – Asquith
waterproof roadside boots – Emu Australia
aviators – Ray-Ban
With thanks to Asquith for supporting this post.