My laser hair removal journey turned into a somewhat more lengthy process than I originally anticipated – not because of anything to do with the treatment but everything to do with the baby thing. Right after my very first session I discovered I was pregnant which promptly put a pause to my visits for around a year. Fast forward to…
Well, that about sums it up. I went ahead and got lingual braces at the ripe old age of thirty six. It is funny the things that we, as individuals, can obsess over is it not? Perhaps you notice it, perhaps you do not, but I have a snaggletooth and whilst that might be considered part of my face’s personality…
Turns out baby hair is a thing. And I don’t mean that fine, fluffy, hair spun from dreams that magically kisses the top of your baby’s head… although in fact it is not entirely unlike that but, and this is the big thing, that is not the hair I want on my head thank you. Hmm. But that my friends, seven months post…
This level of shine is… ok I’ll fully admit I just spent more than five minutes trying to think of a humorous analogy so let’s just say it is… off the charts. And my hair ain’t shiny these days. Like, ever. That post baby hair was getting all kinds of special and on top of the greasy roots and the…
I finally did it you guys – I got a proper, blunt, jumped in with both feet, fringe. And a bob. And it’s for keeps, I mean, I really love it. You probably know I have been visiting Sassoon Salon in Princes Square for years now and Sharz has my complete trust when it comes to le mop so when we…