Last week I was lucky enough to visit the weird and wonderful Portmeirion in Wales with the lovely girls from Ted Baker… all is not as it seems… Italian style houses in pastel colours piled up high on the Welsh cliffs, dotted with pools, zipping round on golf carts with the best group of girls… Highlights included afternoon tea on…
Pretty sure bank holidays were invented for beach days – it’s like getting a free Sunday. Winning. So I layered up in the classics and took the new sunnies for a spin. I often feel my style ethos is 75% classic and 25% fashion victim. Let’s dissect… Ray Ban aviators are about as classic as it gets don’t you think? …
Yep, it’s those jeans again… and it almost certainly won’t be the last time. Not gonna lie. And now they have them in white too? Probably the most awkwardly proportioned jean in the world to wear – cutting your legs off at a most unflattering point, running about 5 sizes too small resulting in squashing yourself into what is almost…
Dungarees can be a lot like a 3 month old puppy – tricky to work with, not always appropriate for the office and yet kinda awesome at the same time. I have some rules. For the dungarees that is. I mean, there are lots of rules for the puppy too but the dungarees tend to do what you tell them……
Wait… what… I was in New York? For 2 hours? Oh yep, that happened! A New York minute and all that… Turns out last week I had the opportunity to travel to Toronto with the day job and when my flight stopped over in New York for a few hours I wound up convincing myself I would be crazy not…