My relationship with you – my 3 year old

Happy birthday Hunter.  Somehow you are three years old and you, my baby boy, are becoming more independent and more complicated and yet still filling me with so much joy every single day. When you smile I smile with you almost as if we are connected – it is impossible not to share in your happiness.  And just about everything…
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My relationship with you – my old dog

I wonder if you think the world is awfully quiet these days.  And do you feel sad that nobody talks to you?  It is not that we don’t talk to you baby bear, it is simply that you cannot hear us.  You spend most days resting your eyes and I watch your little furry chest rise and fall, fondly but…
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Binge worthy TV – The ultimate list

This post has been a long time in the making.  In fact, if you add up the hours spent ‘researching’ this post then I reckon it would be pretty terrifying just how much time has been spent in front of that black box over the past years…  (ok, it’s no black box – we upgraded to a Samsung Frame a…
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Lockdown Diaries – 6 ways to make it fun

And I do not mean the ‘fun’ things that are en vogue or considered to be fun by others (like Zoom parties or learning to knit)…  I mean those dorky things that make you actually smile, make you feel free, those things that are uniquely fun to you – find them, hunt them down with a passion and nail them…
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Lockdown Diaries – Week 5 – My Daily Routine

I talked a little bit last time about finding my lockdown groove and I thought it might be interesting to share my daily routine, the weekdays that is, the weekend is another story.  Perhaps without kids there is not much distinction between the Sundays and the Mondays but for us, the husband is not working on the weekends and those…
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