Home tour – the family room

Welcome home.  I never thought that this move would be ‘the move’, the forever home, but one room complete and it feels so right, you know?  After our offer was accepted (ok, actually way before then), we were pouring over the Rightmove images and had a plan for this room (which was a burgundy dining room) if nothing else.  With…
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Utopia – new hair by Sassoon

Somehow being home, all of a sudden the leaves have changed, the air is cooler and it seems we are in the midst of autumn.  I love that we have seasons and those trees are making big ochre hearts in my eyes every time I look out the window or see the dogs roll in them… Time for a change.  I…
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Scottish beach tour- Heads of Ayr

Let’s just start by saying that this beach is not exactly easy to find.  But when you do slip to the back of the caravan park and walk through a wheat field (or bounce through a wheat field), pop through a gate style and turn a corner to start the descent to Heads of Ayr beach, well, let’s just say…
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Flung this one together for an impromptu date night at the weekend – truly this is the shirt that just keeps on giving.  Think it’s probably about time I got an alternative!  Although perhaps a more pressing matter should be that I get acquainted with an iron (ran the ghd’s down the shirt front but seemed to forget about the…
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