Let me tell you a story. It’s the tale of one girl’s quest for the perfect cup of joe. I don’t know about you but it seems to me that a good coffee is pretty hard to come by… and I don’t even drink caffeine so it’s all about the flavour for me. I teamed up with the good folks at Argos who told me it all starts with a handful of beans… They sent me off down to Meadow Road in Partick for a coffee masterclass with this guy – hi Niall.
It was pretty technical stuff but I got the hang of the espresso – warm cup, even grinds, flick the switch, enjoy. Nailed it.
That’s my smug face. By now, I’m thinking, I could get a job here – I’m coffee-ly good at this stuff (sorry, couldn’t resist). Next up, latte art. This should be a cinch right?
…wrong. Bet you can’t guess which one is mine and which is Niall’s. I made about 20 lattes. There were some dark times when I thought I was maybe getting worse. I definitely made an alien at least once. I have a degree in fine art for goodness sake. Turns out that’s not much use in the world of latte art. Who knew.
But then there was a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Is that a tulip I see? Nothing to write home about I know but, for me, this was basically the holy grail. Cue me frantically trying to get a shot before my ‘art’ disappeared in a froth of milk…
That’s my ‘I tasted too much of the caffeine’ face up there. In case you were wondering what the heck that was…
Then my tale took a turn for the challenge was set – recreate all you have learnt… at home. Can Niall come? No. But wait… a new character joins our story. Hello Mr Tassimo, my knight in shining armour.
Delicious coffee delivered at the touch of a button. So there’s no art (except the eYi love on the wall) because quite frankly that’s best left to Niall but remember, like I said at the beginning, it’s really all about the taste. So I snuggled down with the furries and my (decaf) coffee and we all lived happily ever after. The end.x
This post is created in collaboration with Argos. Thank you for supporting the posts which keep Thankfifi’s doors open.
Great photos – and how convenient that Niall was so photogenic ;-p
AH! I loved this! It was so chatty and funny to read! I remember when I was first learning latte art and creating my first fern, I almost threw the coffee over the guy in excitement x
Love this post! Love the tulip, the huge light, the colours! x
wow! Nice style and love the pics!