The day job


abstract bedding – bluebellgray 

Some of you may know, and some of you may not, that I pass a few hours of the day in the bluebellgray studio – not just for fun, although it is fun, but it’s the day job where I head up PR & Marketing.  I started there within weeks of starting the blog and the 2 have almost grown up together – it is a huge part of my life, full of inspiration and colour and design (and me convincing my colleagues that being on Facebook is work).  And if you know me really, really well then you’ll know that Thankfifi is named after my very good friend whose idea it was to start this blog – her name is of course Fi and she is the designer and director of bluebellgray.

I’d really love to share here some of the amazing things I work on and I’d love to hear your thoughts about them.  So tell me, what do you think?  Shall we all just sleep in today?



  1. 14 Nov / 11:05 am

    Oh, I love your day job stuff 🙂 Pining for one of the rugs but perhaps I can make do with a scarf.

  2. Nicole
    14 Nov / 12:27 pm

    Hi Wendy, you definitely are a great marketing expert – it is through your blog that I got to know blubellgray and my family (who lives in Austria) loves blubellgray so much that I (who live in Switzerland) searched for the one shop that sells blubellgray textiles in Geneva and almost literally bought the whole shop to bring suitcase after suitcase filled with beautiful blubellgray cushions to Vienna. Our home there has been successfully blubellgrayed 🙂

    • 14 Nov / 11:38 pm

      That is amazing work indeed Wendy!! Check out that endorsement : )!

      So great to get a glimpse into your work life outside of the blog Wendy! Love the BluebellGray intro.

      MB x

  3. Gaylesbury
    14 Nov / 12:58 pm

    I would love to sleep in! Looks like a lovely, pretty and inspiring place to work-I would just want to buy everything though!! X

  4. 14 Nov / 1:09 pm

    Oh, your job sounds amazing my dear, really enjoyed browsing through the BlueBellGray website, the designs, colours are wonderful! Loved this amazing post, thanks for sharing hun! ♥

    Liana x
    Dress Code Chic

  5. 14 Nov / 4:50 pm

    I didn’t know that and I’d love to see more from your day job! I adore the colours in this pic!

  6. 15 Nov / 5:19 am

    I didn’t know you work in PR as well 🙂 I love hearing about blogger’s day jobs and I respect that you’re able to juggle both your day job and blogging! I work in tech PR so I know how crazy things get sometimes but having a blog is a nice outlet for me!!

    The Weekend Diary

  7. 15 Nov / 5:20 am

    I am already biased because I believe almost anything PR related is the coolest job ever. That is exactly what I want to do as a career. Thanks for sharing a bit of your personal life with us.

    Maggie A

  8. 15 Nov / 6:07 am

    I loved learning about your day job! Your blog is so awesome that I just assumed you were a full-time blogger. What a cool job! And yes, being on Facebook is work 😉

  9. Yellow Rose
    16 Nov / 12:53 am


  10. 17 Nov / 4:01 pm

    Simply love Bluebellgray.. The bed linen is divine. Saving up for a cushion x

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