Double capes

Hey hey Friday!  Lots of layers going on today but it is getting mighty cold round these days…  So it’s double capes.  Volume can be good but there’s a difference between voluminous and bulky.  Belt it.  There’s a lady in there! I have a pretty exciting weekend ahead with a pitstop at Blow to get coiffed before the MTV Awards…
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The £855 Burberry saving scheme…

Now I don’t usually proclaim to be much of a money saving mogul… but even I can do the maths on this one. You’d have to have been living under a rock to miss this Burberry cape doing the rounds and, whilst I have developed a deep love for it, frankly I’d rather go on an exotic holiday than drop…
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When in London…

When in London it is most important that you play tourist and take your friends to the reddest phonebox you can find – who cares if phone boxes proved themselves dens of iniquity all weekend long?  They are red and wonderfully Londony. And then if a friend happens to have on the most incredible of red fedoras, it must be…
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