Happy Valentine’s Day guys! We’ve never really celebrated V day on the day – who feels special in a restaurant full of special couples? So we celebrated a little early, on the weekend, with the M&S Valentine’s Day Gourmet Menu, now that was special. Mr K enjoyed his steak too.
Last night the husband tentatively asked when we were exchanging cards today and we sheepishly agreed that after work would be best (giving us time to run to buy cards during lunchbreaks). Ah, the romance…
Guess what though? Love is all around today (who even remembers Wet Wet Wet?) with the winner of The Cumberland Hotel giveaway being announced…
I have a *super fine* dress and skyscraper gladiotor heels that have been sitting patiently in my wardrobe just begging for a glamorous night like this to arrive……dont wanna let them down!
Congratulations lovely!x