Boardroom boho

Well, you know… it’s my kind of boho.  Boardroom boho.  Also… my kind of boardroom.  So it’s a little more tailored than regular boho but admittedly way too undone for a real boardroom. There are the new fringes and they swish just the way a unicorn’s tail might – majestically.  (They make you sway your hips when you walk just…
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Being up at 2am on a Friday night used to be cool.  As was 4am.  5am was really a great night.  Not anymore… as my poor neighbours would attest.  Thanks Tux.  But we still love you. On days like these there’s nothing for it but slouch and the comfiest jeans in the world that live on my legs – slightly…
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Juice Garden – my 3 day cleanse

There’s just something about the start of a new year isn’t there?  The kind of something that has you approach a 3 day juice cleanse with the same enthusiasm as a toddler in a swing park.  Thank goodness there’s at least some point of the year when we unequivocally crave health and inner beauty…  Actually I won’t lie, I’m pretty…
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Brunching : the Melbourne photo diary

There’s really no denying that the weather this past ten days has been special.  Special in the Scottish kind of way where it sleets sideways for days on end and your windows rattle all night long.  To say it’s been a slight issue with blog photos would be unfair.  It’s been impossible. So Iet’s have brunch in Melbourne okay?  I…
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New year, new saving schemes…

The first look of 2015 and it seems my love of checks is not waning…  of course there is the Scottish element to be considered in my fondness for them but there’s also something every appealing to me that is a print without being a print exactly.  Stripes almost certainly fall into the same category with both adding a new…
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