There’s just something about the start of a new year isn’t there? The kind of something that has you approach a 3 day juice cleanse with the same enthusiasm as a toddler in a swing park. Thank goodness there’s at least some point of the year when we unequivocally crave health and inner beauty… Actually I won’t lie, I’m pretty healthy – meals are usually around 60% veg but then there are the macarons and the hot chocolates and, oh, right, there was the big ‘C’ aka Christmas. That’ll do it. A 3 day cleanse? No food? Just pure, botanical, natural juice? Sign. Me. Up.
I wanted to keep it local, after all, if we’re going to get on this kinda train we don’t really want our all natural juice travelling hundreds of miles – we want it pressed straight into our mouths (more of less). Enter Juice Garden. I had the pleasure to meet Emmanuel, ex pro footballer and founder – he knows a thing or two about nutrition, a store in town and now one on Byres Road – he must be onto something. Well, yes, as it turns out, he is.
I road tested the 3 Day Cleanse, heck, I even dragged the husband along for the ride. And you know what? It wasn’t so rough. 6 juices a day keep you pretty busy and that Unbeetable, that guy was the business – he was earthy and sweet and pure and I could drink him every day. I could swim in a big ol’ bowl of that purple stuff. The juices are a good mix of green, sweet and even savoury and they’re packed full of all the vitamins your post Christmas body is dreaming of. Now I know that quitting solid food might not be for everyone but I can honestly say, and the husband would agree, we weren’t hungry. Not once. Well maybe once… but then we had a juice and all was right in the world. And taking those 3 days off gives your body a well earned rest to let you stock up on some 2015 energy. We all could use some of that.
So were they tasty? Three I loved, two I didn’t mind and then there was one nasty little guy but I supped him down every day. The husband gave a similar verdict but his nasty one was the beet (Say what? Unbeetable was my main man!). Each to their own I guess.
And the results? Flat tummies. Christmas bloat gone, disappeared, banished. I’ve not had a flat tummy since I got Malaysian food poisoning – trust me when I say I’d take the juice cleanse any day. I lost a few pounds and 3cm around my tummy and the husband can boast a huge 7lb loss – now that’s not why we did it but that’s not a bad side effect either. We slept like babies (the kind of babies that sleep all night long, I need to clarify the saying… some of my friends have babies and they tell me the ugly truth). I felt really quite normal throughout but it was just the healthy kick up the ass we needed to really cut out the cr*p and get back on the healthy train.
Would I do it again? Ask me again next January, ha! I missed cooking, I missed eating (although I did enjoy the extra free time – hello mid week cinema trip, haven’t seen you in many moons). But 1 day, for sure. And subbing in some extra juices just for a vitamin kick, 100% yes please.
Want to join me? You can take 10% off any of the Juice Garden cleanse packages by using the code THANKFIFI – just drop them an email to My 3 day cleanse package is £95 (£84.50 for you) which blows those far flung London cleanses right out the water on price. Really, why not? I’ll put this in the same category as working out – I always go by the mantra that I have never regretted a workout and I don’t regret the cleanse either, not for a moment. What do you think? Would you give it a shot?
breton tee – Boden (ON SALE!)
cristen jean – 7 For All Mankind (ON SALE!)
riva ring – Monica Vinader :: watch – Daniel Wellington
Oh yes, sign me up too! I haven’t quite managed to get on the 2015 healthy train yet, but the buttons on my jeans are saying it’s past due…
Would you recommend doing this cleanse for someone always on the go? Or is it more of a take a day off at home and try it out?
Maggie A