– The weather.
– Staying in a huge and gorgeous apartment (thanks parents’ generous friends). Totally felt like we were in The Hills; vacationing at the beach.
– ‘The Help’ and generally having the time to even read a book. Can’t wait for the movie.
– Spending time with the parents who, in spite of sitting at opposite ends of the bench, do love each other very much.
– Barbecued gambas.
– The husband unwaveringly snapping photos all week long (this is the man who used to say, ‘Why would I want a photo of you? You’re right here’. He likes to joke.)
– Bombay strawberry collins… sometimes with lunch.
– Dad’s aviators. He’s so in our club now.
– Ice-cream time around 4pm every single day. Not ashamed that on the last day there were still so many flavours to try that I had a 3 scoop while everyone else had the regular 2 scoop. Amateurs.
– Forgetting to buy the mushrooms at the market when I only had 2 things on my list.
– Bathrooms that are wet rooms. Seriously, where is all the water meant to go?
– Having a slight drama convincing the husband to share his pizza with me in return for half my salad only to end up scrapping with forks over the last of the salad while the pizza looked on in an unloved fashion. Note to self: recreate honey caramelised walnut goats cheese salad.
– The whole ‘brown stains on white jeans’ incident.
– Having no Wi-Fi for a week and going to the cafe to upload every post (ok, that was kinda awesome too)
– The lift in the hall + my major lift phobia. It stalked me, lurked on random floors when nobody had called it and generally gave me the creeps. The real awkward was that it contained the only full length mirror.
P.S. Awkward and Awesome is inspired by The Daybook.