Right now we’re down for London Fashion Week, my first ever! And if you can’t pile it on for LFW then when can you? I’m too tired right now to properly put it into words but it’s goood. A whole lotta good.
On another note – that thing fashion bloggers do where they wear their jackets on their shoulders? (I’ve done it before and had issues with seatbelts). Totally impractical. I lost my new Clements Ribeiro and found it later on the floor of a showroom. You’d think that’d learn me but no, I did the overshoulder jacket again the very next day. It would seem fashion vs practical is no true contest during fashion week.
hat – Gap (first worn here)
jacket – Clements Ribeiro, leather jacket – Next
tee – Zoe Karssen via Zalando (last seen here)
skirt – H&M (BACK IN STOCK! & last worn here)
boot – Zara (last worn here)
watch – Calvin Klein, glasses – Mango
tall cornelli shopper – Bastyan Outlet
I really like the jacket, and it sounds like you are having an amazing time Hun.
just glad I didn’t lose it for good… having a great time thanks.x
Love the black and white – and the detail with the prints and texture! Your bag is beautiful 🙂
Very glad you didn’t lose your jacket, that wouldn’t have been nice for it to go missing!
especially the first time I wore it! I do have a bad track record of losing things but not this time 🙂
Can’t believe you nearly lost your jacket – totally agree that the shoulder thing is NOT PRACTICAL! Been trying it, been failing.
Love the flash of colour from the hat 😉
totally not practical but we do it anyway right?! works much better with a man jacket but you wind up looking like a footballer…
Looking fantastic again! I just said the same when I saw u on the Stockolm streetstyle, withe that red bag and amazing jump suit!!!
great style, each day better!
thanks so much vanda, it means a lot to me – so excited about that feature too!
stunning prints!
thanks monkey
So glad to hear you’re having a great time at LFW! That’s so funny about the wearing the jacket on the shoulders thing. I was out yesterday taking pictures for an outfit post and did the same thing, then spent the whole time chasing after it as it blew off my shoulders! Totally impractical and not warm at all! I think ill keep my arms in next time. x x
I had on two jackets so not so cold that day but yes, ridiculous – try walking around all day like that! ha, poor husband had to keep fixing it for me 😉
love those killer shoes and your hat is super sweet!
thanks sarah – so happy when I found these boots on the sale (even if they are a shameful ripoff of IM…)
jacket over shoulders= definite extra points in sartorial contest! This look is amazingly creative!
always love some extra eleni points 😉