I finally rearranged my ‘floordrobe’ into something more presentable (found a use for my mountain of fashion magazines as shoe plinths) and shared the results in an interview with Stylight – read it here!
Thanks so much to Stylight for the feature.x
Such a lovely article and photos! I really like how you’ve displayed your shoes in your wardrobe – I keep mine boxed away in shoe boxes and it’s just inconvenient really, haha!
Away From Blue
you should have them out! can’t wear them all at once so it’s nice to see them
Oh those wite heels from Zara are in my wishlist!
they were a total impulse buy for me next to the checkout buying shorts I haven’t worn yet… didn’t even try them on at the time but I’ve worn them sooo much already
Great interview – well done!
thank you 🙂
Just read the article! It’s great!! Your closet looks fab too, I’m sure other peoples are always more interesting than your own but yours looks like it has many many amazing pieces in it. And those heels!!! JEALOUS!!!! x
I do seem to have rather a lot of shoes – that can only be good though right?
Finally! sneek peek of your closet. Great interview x
A peek at the only corner that’s finished… I guess now I’ve started I might as well finish though and then we can do a full tour
I would like to hire you to design my walk in wardrobe please 🙂 Feel free to bring the shoes! Haha!
ha! you need to get on Pinterest – so many great closet ideas on there for you (and no, you cannot have my shoes but they will come for visits!).x
I am on Pinterest 🙂 Many wardrobes have been pinned and I had my first walk in wardrobe design consultation for the new house today! Got to prioritise the key rooms 😉
um – jealous!
Great article! And I love the way you have organised your closet. x
thanks charlotte – it still has a long way to go sadly – just out of shot is carnage!
Congrats on the interview, really cool 🙂