Cold? Wear more jackets. Same old story. That’s all.
P.s. (Because one line could never really be enough) A new waist belt possesses magical powers to transform all your old basics into a new adventure. Go get one.x
coat – Betty Jackson (similar) :: denim jacket – Gap (similar)
tee – Zara :: jean – Forever 21 :: heel – Aldo (similar)
glasses – Mango :: belt – Hobbs (great options here)
You wear double denim so well, and I love the pink coat belted! 🙂
Away From Blue
Love how different your pink coat looks with the belt!! x
DENIM!!!! N xxx
Fantastic outfit dear! 😉
Tic-Tac Living – OASAP International Giveaway
Hehe, I agree, a waist belt does wonders to a look. Smashing outfit, and I love the colour of your coat! /Madison x
Beautiful coat color……..trying to think of the name of that color………pink with a touch of lilac? Light orchid? No matter the name, very beautiful color.
I just found two similar colors: Light pink orchid and Light lilac pink (or pink lilac).
i do love the doubled up jackets
Ladies in Navy