Chocolate peanut butter protein balls

Thankfifi- Healthy chocolate peanut butter protein balls recipe-8

January… month of health kicks.  This month I’ve done bikram yoga, I’ve re-committed to my morning work-outs, I’ve walked further and faster and I’ve been eating healthy.  Only in January can I show this kind of committment – heck I’ll put it right out there, I’m even on a 3 day Juice Garden cleanse right now (more on that later).

Aside from the leaner more efficient and nutrient full me, I’ve made a resolution to add some new recipes to that ‘Eats & Drinks’ section up there.  I love to cook and I don’t mind to eat either so taking a few snaps along the way shouldn’t be so rough.

So I’m kicking things off again with these yummy, protein packed, peanut buttery snacks – perfect for pre workout or post workout or those times like last week when I dropped almost £5 on two ‘Bounce’ balls half way round an extra long dog walk.  Wait?  £2.39 for a protein ball?  I can make these a heck of a lot cheaper at home…


Chocolate peanut butter protein balls (makes 6)

180g medjool dates, stones removed
1/4 cup chocolate protein powder
2 tbsp good quality cocoa powder
3 tbsp good quality wholenut peanut butter
1/4 tsp cinnamon
coconut and cocoa for dusting


Find a spare 5 minutes because that’s all you need.

Place dates, protein powder, cocoa, peanut butter and cinnamon in a food processor and blend until you get grit.  Then blend some more and a bit more (until your kitchen starts to smell like a tyre factory).  Eventually you’ll get a stiff dough and if you really, really don’t then add a teaspoon of water.

Divide the dough into 6 pieces and roll them into balls, or whatever shape you fancy, before rolling them in your topping of choice – it’s January so I’m saying coconut or cocoa but you could dip them in chocolate if it wasn’t January… but we all know how we feel about healthy eating in January.

Store in the fridge and enjoy pre or post work out or dog walk or whenever you need a bit of protein that feels like a brownie – just look at him and all his brownie goodness…

Thankfifi- Healthy chocolate peanut butter protein balls recipe-13

Thankfifi- Healthy chocolate peanut butter protein balls recipe-4-2

Thankfifi- Healthy chocolate peanut butter protein balls recipe-12

Thankfifi- Healthy chocolate peanut butter protein balls recipe-10



  1. 21 Jan / 8:11 am

    Can’t wait to give these a go, they look incredible! And in 5 minutes, amazing. Thanks for sharing x

  2. 21 Jan / 8:20 am

    They are so expensive arent they! Nice to see that I can make them at home…and so quickly!
    Have a great day Wendy 🙂

  3. Gaylesbury
    22 Jan / 8:15 pm

    They look GOOD!!!! Definately trying these at home! X

  4. 11 Apr / 9:51 am

    Do you have any information about calories? It looks so delicious but it’s good to know 🙂

    • Thankfifi
      11 Apr / 6:58 pm

      I don’t sorry, never took the time to figure it out… although I suppose you could if you just added everything together during the make. i don’t have all the ingredients in right now to do it for you or I would.x

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