The five bra styles I truly need in my life

You might know that over the past eighteen months my lingerie drawer has been through some kind of overhaul.  There have been pregnant shapes and newborn baby shapes (also known as ouch) and now it seems my body is finally beginning to settle…  I have partnered with Figleaves to restock the lingerie drawer one more time and, by now, I consider myself something of an expert on what works for me and the styles I really need in my life (hey if you’re gonna be an expert on anyone, it should be you right?).

The five styles below are what truly works for me; the lingerie I wear more than once, more likely again and again and again…  You are not going to find a breakdown of strapless contraptions and ugly flesh colours here but rather a lot of pretty, super well fitting lace and even my ‘alternate sexy’ – basically the lingerie I really, truly wear.


The Everyday Winner – Panache Envy Blaconette

I have been wearing this bra in various sizes and colours for well over a year now and I have so much love for her.  Basically the sturdiest lace bra I have found; she is reliable in coverage and shape and yet still so pretty with her lace details.  She is my failsafe.

The New Nude – Figleaves Juliette Lace

A nude but not as you know it.  You know what I hate?  Those flesh coloured, moulded things.  You know what your husband hates?  The exact same thing.  This is the opposite of that.  A soft blush colour in the most delicate lace.  The plunge shape and fine straps make this the closest contender to my beloved triangle bras (which are completely unsuitable for anyone over a B cup…  hands up?).

The Ultimate Sport – Panache Sports Moulded

Well this lady probably needs no introduction from me.  The support combined with the comfort makes this my choice every single time I work out which is almost every day.  I have tried many sports bras but this is ‘the one’.  Plus this new leopard colourway looks awesome.  I don’t believe I am exaggerating if I say that this bra could indeed change how you feel about exercising…

The T-Shirt – Simone Perele 3D Plunge

And my only concession towards your usual essentials lingerie guide.  And only because she is light as a feather to the point that you’re barely aware she’s there.  Plus, you guessed it, lace.  Does it go without saying that the fit is incredible?  I actually selected twenty of my favourite (on screen) bras to curate this edit, tried them all and landed on these five because they really, truly fit the best.  And I think, as well as obviously looking amazing under anything and everything, this little lady is kinda sexy…

The Alternate Sexy – Elle Macpherson Body Bling Demi

Truth be told, to me, your traditionally ‘sexy’ lingerie can be a bit, well, ugly and leaves me completely uninspired.  But this girl, this sheer beauty in the most gorgeous terracotta tan with her stunning strapping and the most delicate copper details, is just utterly perfect.  At the risk of sounding like a cliché now, if you wear lingerie that you yourself feel incredible in then there’s a good chance your other half is going to like it just as much…

And now just a final sidenote – this Bliss cashmere robe really is just that – bliss.

With thanks to Figleaves for supporting this post.



  1. Gaylesbury
    8 Mar / 7:06 am

    Love all the pretty lace! X

    • Thankfifi
      9 Mar / 8:48 am

      Always all about the pretty lace.x

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