Wait… what… I was in New York? For 2 hours? Oh yep, that happened! A New York minute and all that… Turns out last week I had the opportunity to travel to Toronto with the day job and when my flight stopped over in New York for a few hours I wound up convincing myself I would be crazy not…
Friday was what we call a monumental fashion fail. Decided to brave bare legs. It snowed. Not just a flurry, a full on blizzard. After work I had a meeting in town – couldn’t get a cab, tried to drive, had to abandon the car and then walked. I think I looked like I was cross country skiing… without the…
And just like that we’re back. Back in the cold, cold home city… with a ‘weatherbomb’ en route. Thanks for that Glasgow. Nothing for it but to bundle up in layer upon layer whilst trying my very best to show off the tan before it turns to frost white… … affric snood – Knit Knot Knit coat – Chloe ::…
Hey hey Friday! Lots of layers going on today but it is getting mighty cold round these days… So it’s double capes. Volume can be good but there’s a difference between voluminous and bulky. Belt it. There’s a lady in there! I have a pretty exciting weekend ahead with a pitstop at Blow to get coiffed before the MTV Awards…
How did it come about that fuzz became fashionable. If you’re like me, you struggled through your awkward teenage years, when the closest thing to a GHD you ever saw was your best friend’s Babyliss mutli crimper, doing everything possible to avoid the fuzz (my solution of choice was a not so comfortable sausage of scrunchies down my ponytail every…