The unlikely lady

Birthday dinners with the chicest of friends require something a little more ladylike.  (What?  Ripped jeans need not apply?).  Black and navy might seem a little unlikely but it’s a combination I’ve really grown to love – just try it.  I’d have taken the pompom hair twice as big if I’d had the time and likely dusted off the iron…
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I love that it’s Friday.  (And, just doing some quick maths, that makes tomorrow the weekend and you know what I love even more?  The weekend.) I love that we have discovered this little lane to shoot in and when the light shines just right I look at the shots and feel like we could have been somewhere in Italy……
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Peter Pilotto & I

I’m excited.  Skirts over trews is not exactly ground-breaking – I did it in the 90’s with a handmade, lace underskirt type of situation over DIY, ripped up jeans with safety pins.  It was really quite special.  So things have moved on a little since then (for one, it is no longer plausible for me to feel destined to be…
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Cold?  Wear more jackets.  Same old story.  That’s all. P.s. (Because one line could never really be enough) A new waist belt possesses magical powers to transform all your old basics into a new adventure.  Go get one.x … coat – Betty Jackson (similar) :: denim jacket – Gap (similar) tee – Zara :: jean – Forever 21 :: heel…
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Since organising my studio come closet over the holidays I’ve been inclined to spend a lot more time in there.  When I say organising that probably doesn’t really cover it to be honest… you know that cupboard Monica has in Friends?  Yeah?  Imagine that cupboard were a room.  That’s pretty close to what was going on here.  Now I’ve flipped…
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