I finally did it you guys – I got a proper, blunt, jumped in with both feet, fringe. And a bob. And it’s for keeps, I mean, I really love it. You probably know I have been visiting Sassoon Salon in Princes Square for years now and Sharz has my complete trust when it comes to le mop so when we…
It might not surprise you that by this point I am really trying to embrace ‘bigger is better’… Some aspects of the new mantra I have no say over (body parts seems to be growing at quite the alarming rate these days) but the hair, the hair gets stronger and shinier by the day. I dropped in to see Sharz…
When I shoot in London I have one condition – the location must be ‘London-y’. That means red buses and busy streets and Big Ben and black taxis and, on this occasion, a pelican crossing. Nancy laughs at me. Anyway, this was one of those unseasonably warm days where bare legs didn’t seem utterly insane (until 5pm) and I’m really feeling…
Last time I had a fringe I was three. For real. And I have Sharz at the Sassoon Glasgow salon to thank for taking me back there although, cute as it undoubtedly was for a toddler in the eighties, I think this is in another league to my bowl cut of yesteryear. You guys probably know I have been wrangling with…
Somehow being home, all of a sudden the leaves have changed, the air is cooler and it seems we are in the midst of autumn. I love that we have seasons and those trees are making big ochre hearts in my eyes every time I look out the window or see the dogs roll in them… Time for a change. I…