Snow day
Snowed in with nowhere to go and enjoying that fog between Christmas and New Year where you don’t ever really know what day of the week it is or how many hours of Netflix you have watched or quite how much chocolate you have eaten (although you have an idea it’s not dissimilar to your bodyweight)… … faux fur coat – Karen…
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Let me tell you about last Wednesday… The health visitor was due to arrive at 10am. At 9.30am I started what was to become a tidy of truly epic scale and, in the process, nudged the giant frames off the unit. I grabbed them with what were surely lightning reactions to avoid them smashing into the floor but in the process…
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We’ve moved
We’ve moved. Not domain name… like an actual real life move. To a proper house. In the country. We are grown ups now. And my life is in boxes – I mean, there was a full two weeks where I could not find my underwear and I still only have one dog leash (although thankfully two dogs). My walk in wardrobe…
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