Just when I thought I couldn’t fit anything else but a couple extra festive pounds under that leather peplum, I managed to get a chunky knit in there too. It felt like body armour but I was warm and smug. No, not meant to be snug, I really did mean smug. Think I’m getting the hang of this layering business. …
Has the denim trend been and gone? I don’t know – I’m still going with it. Going with it in the way Buddy the Elf ‘goes with’ candy. If you love it you might as well go with it. (I even have on my denim undies but you can’t see those.) Yesterday was pretty fun. I slept for a whole…
This look was born from the ground up. Beginning with the new boots from Daniel Footwear (perfect heel height by the way) was a no-brainer. But then I drew a blank. Sometimes that just happens right? Enter Pinterest. A quick look through my recent style stalkings brought me to Taylor Tomasi Hill (original ‘pin’ here) and the rest followed. It’s…
Just the basics with a bonus. The bonus is the scarf that keeps on giving – if I style it carefully I can cover the entire upper half of my body or double wrap it round my neck making for a very comfortable neck brace. I prefer to wear one end longer than the other, you know I’m a fan…
It’s a little bit like I went straight from the office to an aprés-ski bar. I’m ok with that though, you see, I like my office and I also like après -ski Sometimes mash-ups are good. I’m in love with this hat. It’s been glued to my head for days. Problem is once you’ve got it on you daren’t take it…