One crazy (not even a) week – prepare for my visual mind vomit that is Thankfifi at London Fashion Week. I won’t apologise for the ludicrous number of images that lie within this post or the horrific mish-mash of HTC and DSLR images or the misallignment of days. This is how it came home in my head – amazing and…
,Just some Instagram snapshots of LFW so far… So incredibly honoured (and jump up and down excited) to be featured yesterday on Stockholm Street Style, Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, InStyle and Elle – thanks so much to my lovely readers for letting me know!x
Right now we’re down for London Fashion Week, my first ever! And if you can’t pile it on for LFW then when can you? I’m too tired right now to properly put it into words but it’s goood. A whole lotta good. On another note – that thing fashion bloggers do where they wear their jackets on their shoulders? (I’ve…
Life lately through the eye of my HTC for Instagram – there’s been food and dog walks and fashion and sun and snow and it’s busy but it’s all good. And now onto the chosen ones… If you didn’t enter my amazing HTC One S giveaway then you’re not a winner, sad face. However, if your name appears below then,…
Show me sunshine and I’m darn well gonna be Glaswegian – there will be skin. A week of solid rain will do that to you. What a glorious Saturday to show you my new Karssen tee – I still want a sweatshirt but keep falling for the tees, and yes, they are more affordable. Fi fears for my safety with…