Hope you all had a wonderful weekend? I wanted to share my final look from the London trip with you because honestly it’s always a bit of a struggle deciding what to wear for meetings. I mean, you wanna be smart right but there’s also some element of pressure to be ‘on trend’… cue 4am pre-flight indecision and case packing……
When the temperature soars to the giddy heights of 13 degrees and there’s not a cloud in the sky, that’s what we Scots affectionately call ‘taps aff’ weather (‘tops off’ to the rest of the world). So… my tap’s not aff but it’s full of holes and that’s mighty breezy… but not for this hardy Scots lass, not in 13…
Hello, I am a blonde. What?! Well, half blonde maybe. 2 things I’ve been dreaming about for quite some time… ombre locks and that Stella McCartney knit. Let’s face it, the real Stella was never gonna happen for me and my bank balance but this H&M sale number was snapped right up as a nice little Stella sub. The ombre…
When it feels like the depths of winter but you’re collecting sundresses and shorts… something’s not quite adding up. But with the dream holiday creeping ever closer, I have sunshine on my mind and this pretty little number from Finders Keepers (a clue to the holiday destination maybe) in my mitts and she’s too pretty to keep in the dark…
Happy Friday! Flashback to London Fashion Week… I flew down just for the weekend and had the best time checking out some of what SS15 has to offer (more on that soon) and catching up with friends, in particular, this girl who I haven’t seen since our Malaysia trip. Bonus? She takes a pretty awesome photo too… When in London…