This sweatshirt cracks me up. It cracks up a lot of other people too. All women funnily enough. Gotta love something that makes people smile! Last time I wore this sweatshirt through the airport the security woman was so enamoured with it she wanted to point it out to everyone. You can imagine how comfortable you feel when you’re going…
Happy Friday! Flashback to London Fashion Week… I flew down just for the weekend and had the best time checking out some of what SS15 has to offer (more on that soon) and catching up with friends, in particular, this girl who I haven’t seen since our Malaysia trip. Bonus? She takes a pretty awesome photo too… When in London…
There are so many awesome things about life with this guy that the awkward barely gets a look in but, with his 7th birthday coming up next week (Woah, where did that creep up from?), I thought it might be cool to take a look at what life is really like with the furry one. If you’re thinking about bringing…
Not one to shy from a challenge, when Fever London asked me to style a dress for work, rest and play, I thought to myself – that’s not a challenge, that’s just common sense. I don’t know about you but when I shop I justify a purchase by the different scenarios it’s suitable for. I’ll wear this to work AND…
Back at the day job yesterday after the long weekend and my colleague, upon asking me what we’d been up to, was delighted to hear we had in fact ventured past the boundary of our bubble all the way to Mugdock Country Park for a special project (you’ll see soon!). I told her not to worry though, we made up…