Most of my clothes are girls. The sheep is a boy.
There were a few floating around the www and all were clocking up minimum 3 figures, sometimes 4, but I was smitten. So I made a DIY sheep. And I love him.
I took him to fashion week, in fact I gave him some minor cosmetic surgery in the hotel room, and I’m just gonna put this right out there – Sandra Hagelstam asked me if he was a Proenza (obviously that made me love her more – Sandra, not the bag who is a ‘he’ don’t forget). He’s even been in Vogue.
I received so many requests for a tutorial so here goes… Bear with me because naturally it’s a little tricky to give a DIY tutorial when the DIY is already complete.
A sheepskin or faux sheepskin offcut (min. 30 x 15 inch for my size) – I got mine from Ebay
Sharp scissors
A needle and thread OR a friendly seamstress (I recommend Nowak for Glasgow sheep)
If you have a seamstress then skip the following stages and head straight there with your offcut and a sketch. Pop home for a nice cup of tea, a couple of dog walks and maybe a flick through Vogue before collecting your perfect sheep. Thank you Nowak.
On the other hand, if you’re going it alone and don’t have a machine strong enough to sew sheep…
Measure your shapes and cut them out. Really you can make this pouch any shape or size you want but it will likely be dependent on the dimensions of your offcut.
With the furry sides facing sew very small stitches along the seams. Don’t forget to sew a small pleat at the top of the side panels – this will make the shape sit better. You should probably wear one of those thimble thingumybobs because it’s pretty tough getting a needle through. Finally, double the long flap under and stitch it along the edges – this way the bag has a little more weight to him and still looks cute when you open him.
That’s it.
You can keep him classic or dress him up with a belt double wrapped around. Even a piece of leather thong would be perfect.
Anyway, don’t know about you but I’m more of a visual kinda girl…
And just in case you’re not already convinced that you need a sheep in your life… here’s a little sheep menu to give you some ideas about how to dress him or see how I wore him here and here.x
I love him
Fantastic idea! I had a similar clutch but fluffy instead of sheep! Great idea!!!
He is gorgeous
This is beyond adorable. I love it and want a pet sheep of my own.
I wondered if you were going to show us how he was made! Thanks so much! Just out of curiosity, does he have a name?! 🙂
loving the three way sheep look ideas – and just love the bag in general xxx
Haha! Love this post!!!
Amazing! 🙂
Tatyana x
What kind of sheep is this? I love the texture.
i’m going to make one, think my old singer can handle some sheepskin. i’ve got some old kerr bear fur lying around too which i may give a wee try too 🙂
I love the masculine feel this has.
Maggie A
A few months ago I bought leather from my Japan trip and have been looking for a good clutch diy !! I will give your diy definitely a try 🙂 I hope it is as easy as it looks 😉 Thanx from Vienna