Good news – I can sleep again. There was about a 3 week situation where I had to shut eye without a Sleep Sensation candle. I can only hope I’m never in that place again (#MiddleClassProblems).
We dropped in to visit the Isle of Skye Candle Company whilst up North this weekend – to replenish my stock and have a nosey round.
They’re completely handmade in Scotland (I saw it) and use renewable soya wax and the best oils and truly are the most friendly bunch you could hope to meet and they speak Gaelic (I heard it) and that’s all pretty amazing… but what’s gonna get you hooked is the scent. I only need to open the box of my candle and inhale and I feel centred and relaxed. I know that sounds crazy but I genuinely could not be a bigger advocate of these candles – they are incredible. All the scents are amazing but Sleep Sensation is mine forever.
So you can imagine I’m a little bit excited to have a huge 3 wick slate Juniper candle to give away… I have tried and tested this one and it is of course wonderful – perfectly stylish in design and such a rustic, calming aroma.
simply leave me a comment at the bottom of this post *
(Gaelic otpional)
Ah… we sleep easy once more…
’Like’ Isle of Skye Candle Company on Facebook
’Like’ Thankfifi on Facebook
* Sorry this one’s only for my UK readers. Competition will close 14th Dec, 2012.
Ooh, I’d love this! I was in a Gaelic choir in primary school, but none of us spoke any Gaelic and had to learn every song phonetically. I’m pretty sure that doesn’t count. I also know from watching Eorpa that the Gaelic for “supermarket” is, erm, “supermarket”, so there you go.
Love, love, love candles and discovering new scents 😉
These look beautiful! I’ve really been enjoying candles recently, I like having one next to me on my desk when studying (final exams coming up, bleurgh!). I don’t know any Gaelic but I learnt some Irish at school and it seems fairly similar – I live in Glasgow now but grew up in NI.
I have been wanting to buy new candles for a while now; especially as I have used up my previous ones!
hoping one of Skye Candles may come my way x
Perfect giveaway for the Christmas mood!!
These make great X’mas gift! Hope you’ve been well 🙂
Hugs and kisses from :
Tha gaol agam tha blog and Skye candles (I think, and hope, that means I love your blog and skye candles) … if it doesnt’s (sorry) and that is what I meant!
Hai! ‘S ann à s an Eilean Sgitheanach a tha mi ach tha mi a’ fuireach ann an Glaschu a-nise. Tha na coinnlean aca sònraichte math, agus tha iad sgoinneil nuair a tha mi anns a’ bhaile mhòr ‘s ag ionndrainn an Eilean!
(Hello! I am from Skye but now living in Glasgow. Their candles are great, and especially when I’m in the city missing the island!)
Gà idhlig gu brà th 😉 x
Surely this girls gotta win? I passed Skye Candles in October. Wished I stopped in now. I did, however, stop at the Schoolhouse in Dornie and was very impressed!
It’s a lovely wee place Una! You from Skye? Gaylesbury
Hi Gayle, I’m originally from Fort William. My dad’s partner lives in Portree so we’ve been spending quite a bit of time up there.
Aw thanks 🙂 haha. Skye is lovely. I like Fort William too mind you!
Despite being Scottish I know no Gaelic. But these candles sound fantastic. You cant beat handmade local things – they are always made with love & care & these really look like they are!
I don’t speak Gaelic, but do send this beauty down to London, pretty please. I’ll whisper sweet nothings to it in English. Surely, that will do. 😉
Wow these candles look lovely!! And your blog is really great too. Candles are definitely the way to go if you can’t sleep because they fill the whole room with aromatherapy! I used to have insomnia and tried everything including essential oils on the pillow, tablets, even let my dad give me a hot toddy! (big mistake) In the end having a plain bath with lots of candles then lighting a candle in the bedroom as you’re getting ready to go to bed is the way to go!! I now sleep like a baby! xx
great giveaway – i love candles burning throughout the house at this time of year. it makes it feel so magical & cosy xxx
These sound like beautiful candles. As a Highland lass living the North west of England it would be nice to have something to remind of my lovely homeland 🙂
Tha na coinnlean aca uabhasach math!
I love these candles – all the best things are made in Scotland 😉 Could definitely do with the sleep sensation ones now the party season is upon us! x
Sleep sensation is my favourite, discovered them at the Country Living Xmas fair in Glasgow last year, bought 4 travel candles and am now addicted. Lavender is also fab but have recently bought citrus rush and its a lovely daytime fresh scent. The solution to our sooty pong coming from our stove turned out to be a lavender Skye candle!! who knew?
Sleep is good!!!! Those candles look wonderful. I love pretty scents in my home.
Glayva! That’s the extent of my Gaelic!! And Curran, which is Gaelic for carrot!!! That is one huge candle!!! x
I’m in! Thank u for this chance!
Please contact me if I win!
I love scented candles! I use them every night!
I was lucky to find Skye Candles right after I moved to Scotland a few years ago and they have become the scent of my new home. It’s amazing how scents bind with emotions and memories. Sleep Sensation and Wooden Heart have been my favourites ever since, but I’ve just moved to a new place in Edinburgh, and maybe it’s time to fill the new chapter and new home with a new scent…
I love candles and my hubby is constantly moaning about how much I spend on them and how quick I use them. I love to have a candle on while lounging in the bath with a good book 🙂
Absolute bliss
I love candles and my hubby is constantly moaning about how much I spend on them and how quick I use them. I love to have a candle on while lounging in the bath with a good book 🙂
Absolute bliss !!!
I love scented candles, these look gorgeous
I adore scented candles and definitely need help to sleep just now. These look sensational.
I would love to enter, I’ve just discovered your gorgeous blog through Hello Cotton but am a new follower now! Your outfit posts are gorgeous, look forward to reading through more of your posts. (I might be up all night)
I love a good candle. Unfortunately I don’t know a lick of Gaelic and am barely able to understand the Glaswegian accent (just moved to Glasgow from the States)! Fabulous blog & fabulous dog 🙂
Also, I liked Thankfifi & Skye Candle Company on FB!
Oh I was given a skye cinnamon candle last year and it’s so delicious. WANT IT SO MUCH. (Also we all know I follow you on fb like a massive creepzoid.
Luv em to bits Oh go on and gie me a conal.
Not feeling at all well with a horrible cold and could do with a light in my life.
OMC(Oh mo chreach!) Chan eil fhios agam dè as fhèarr? a dhol dhan bhùth airson a’ chiad uair no tighinn tarsainn air a bhlog seo…
Oh My Goodness! Don’t know what’s better? Having just been into the shop for the first time or discovering this blog…
A big fan of candles this time of the year, makes my tiny flat feel warm and causy 🙂 Thank you for this!
I don’t know any Gaelic and am not very good at accents too..:) Maybe one day..
Thank you so much for recommending these candles! They are so amazing!! I bought the sleep sensation (indeed
calming) and the vanilla fig from their website. I absolutely loved them, so yesterday when we went to Whole Foods, I got a mango one – that one I can actually eat, it smells that tasty!
these look gorgeous would love the chance to use one